DIY Natural Homemade Mosquito And Tick Repellent Spray


Do you also feel that this year bug situation is worse than usual? We are using mosquito and insect traps at home, we put mosquito nets on windows, and still here and there, they manage to find a way to come inside and give as a hard time. So far, the traps have turned out to be pretty effective but when you leave the house you also need protection. This is why a natural spray is a must. Especially if you want to avoid toxic chemicals.

We use it on skin as well as on clothes. It’s best to spray your neck behind your ears, wrists, and ankles; that is, areas where you can feel your pulse.

It should also be noted that various perfumes, fruity (except citrus scents) shampoos and lotions attract mosquitos and ticks so try to replace them with other scents, such as lemon or lavender.

How to make a homemade tick and mosquito repellent spray

You will need:

-          spray bottle

-          ½ cup water

-          6 drops rose geranium essential oil

-          4 drops cedarwood essential oil

-          5 drops lemongrass essential oil


Mix all the ingredients together and pour in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use.

Safe to use on skin and clothes.

Before you leave your house, just shake the bottle and spray on your neck, wrists, and ankles and you are good to go. You can spray on your clothes and shoes too for extra protection.

If you want to use it on your children, dilute the mixture by reducing the essential oil drops in half.

Not suitable for children under 3.

Some like to use this spray on pets too.

Creamy Mac And Cheese Sauce With Extra Cheese And Bacon



1 onion

1 cup bacon

2 tablespoons flour

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup cold milk

2 cups macaroni



1 cup grated Gouda

1 cup grated mature Cheddar 



Cook macaroni. Boil some water, add salt, and cook macaroni for 10 minutes.

While pasta is cooking, prepare white sauce. Melt butter in a pan and add flour.After 2 minutes, pour milk and stir well. Salt and pepper to taste.

 Sauce must be smooth, thick and without any lumps. Add more milk if needed.

In another pan, cook onion with some olive oil. When it starts to brown, add bacon and cook it until golden and crispy. Mix in macaroni, white sauce, and cheese and stir well.  Put it on a plate with some cherry tomatoes and basil for garnish. Enjoy.

DIY Toilet Cleaning Bombs


These magical little fizzing bombs are all you will need to clean your toilet and make your bathroom smell good. They fizz, clean, remove stains, disinfect, and aromatize.

All you have to do is drop one or two in the toilet and wait a minute to do its thing. Then give it a little scrub with the toilet brush and wipe it clean with a cleaning cloth. Flush. That’s it. You’re done. It’s that easy.

And best of all, there are no toxic chemicals or fumes. The only smell you will notice is the clean and fresh scent of the lemon essential oil.

You will need:

silicone ice cube tray

airtight container

40 drops lemon essential oil

½ teaspoon white vinegar

1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide

½ cup citric acid

1 cup baking soda



Using a spoon, mix baking soda and citric acid with a spoon. Add essential oil drop by drop and mix well. If any clumps start to form, break them up with the back of your spoon.

In another bowl, mix together white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Slowly and sparingly add the mixture to the baking soda until you get slightly damp (not wet) mixture.

Do not over damp the mixture or you will activate the fizzing process. It’s ok if they start to foam a little but they should not lose the form when you squeeze it.

Fill the silicone ice cube tray and press firmly.

Let dry overnight. You can place it on a window shelf or a warm place to speed up the process.

Store in an airtight plastic container.


How to use toilet cleaning bombs

Drop one or two fizzing bombs in the toilet bowl. Let fizz and soak for a minute or two. Scrub the toilet using a toilet brush and wipe with a cleaning cloth. Flush.


How do they work?

Baking soda – naturally cleans and eliminates odors. It’s also a mild abrasive so it whitens and helps with scrubbing the toilet.

Citric acid – combined with baking soda and water starts fizzing and helps with cleaning. It removes hard water stains, lime, and rust.

Lemon essential oil – disinfects and deodorizes.

White vinegar – is antimicrobial and a natural disinfectant.

Hydrogen peroxide – disinfects and sanitizes.

DIY Effective Homemade Mosquito Trap (No Yeast) Eco Friendly

Instruction video on how to make a simple and effective DIY mosquito trap.

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying pests every summer. Their bites cause itchy welts and they can carry diseases.
One can try to use repellents to keep mosquitoes away from but it is even better to get rid of them completely.

It’s best to trap mosquitoes and kill them so they don’t get a second chance to bite or have any offspring.

Commercial mosquito traps often contain chemicals which are not only harmful to mosquitoes but also to humans.

This is a natural and eco friendly mosquito trap everyone can make at home.

You will need:
One 68-ounce bottle
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 cup white vinegar
3-4 banana peels

Cut the top third part off the bottle. In the bottom part of the bottle pour water, white vinegar, and add sugar. Mix well until sugar dissolves in the mixture. Add banana peels.

Remove the cap from the top part of the bottle, turn the pointy part down and place it on the lower part of the bottle. Tape both parts together so there is no air coming out at the side of the bottle.

Cover the whole bottle with some paper or other dark material to make the trap more appealing and cozy to mosquitoes.

Place it on a shelf or hang it on a tree between 4 to 6 feet high.

The idea is to attract mosquitoes and other flying pests with this specific scent and once they enter the trap, prevent them from coming back out.

Tips for catching mosquitoes:
- They like humid, cool and shaded areas so don’t try to catch them in the hot sun.
- They are attracted to dark colors. That’s why it’s more effective to use bottles with dark colors and cover them with tape and paper.
- You have best shot at catching them between 4 to 6 feet above ground level because they are most active in this height range.