Golden Immunity Booster Drink

The immune system is like a defense system that protects the body from infections. A healthy immune system protects our body against viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies so it’s important to keep it in good shape.

I found that this golden immunity booster drink works best for me and my family. I prefer to take my supplements made from food ingredients over those in pill forms that almost all contain at least one harmful ingredient. I do realize that pills can have more concentrated amount of an active ingredient as well as be more convenient on a daily basis. However, from my experience I can assure you, taking small amounts over longer periods of time works just the same, at least for me.

I should also note, that it is ok to adjust the drink to your preference. It took me a while to get used to this taste, so I added more honey and less lemon at first couple of weeks, and drank only a shot glass a day.



1 cup water

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 pinch cayenne pepper

1 lemon (juice)

4 drops olive oil

Mix everything together and drink daily. Mixture can last up to 3 days in the fridge.


Careful if you have any kind of stomach issues.

Some say drinking it first thing in the morning gives best results but I suggest eating a full meal first.

The combination of all of the ingredients makes this a super powerful health bomb.

Let me explain.

Turmeric is a strong antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory spice that kills viruses. It is linked to curing various cancer, helps with depression, improves digestion, cures lives diseases, gives you energy, and is like a personal body guard to your health.

Cayenne pepper is a supreme internal disinfectant and protects from infections. When combined with turmeric they become a super power. Their effectiveness is increased by a hundred.

Vitamin C in lemon also enhances the effectiveness of this natural immunity booster. Plus, lemon cleanses the body and gives this drink a pleasant taste.

Honey is rich in antioxidants and minerals and it also makes the drink taste less sour.

Olive oil helps with the absorption of all the nutrients. It also protects your heart and other organs, helps with digestion, makes your skin glowing and keeps you young.


If you have any kind of health issues talk to your doctor if drinking this booster is right for you.

Also, if you experience any kind of side effects, such as nausea or stomach pain, stop drinking it.

Personally, I noticed that if I get sick it’s when seasons are changing, especially in spring and fall, so I make sure I drink this golden booster daily for at least three weeks in a row and so far it worked.

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